Sitemap - 2022 - Majority Report
Saturday Smackdown: Another Biden official tries to censor free speech
The Deadly Push for a Fashionable, Painless Suicide
Saturday Smackdown: Drag Queen performance is putting a drag on Christmas
Nearly 40% of Americans say the world is coming to an end - Audio Podcast
Nearly 40% of Americans say the world is coming to an end - Video Podcast
Forget free speech suppression. The U.S. government now wants to WRITE your speech
Saturday Smackdown: Female inmates are forced to become sex dolls for male prisoners
Elon Musk and others face assassination threats to keep them silent - Audio Podcast
Elon Musk and others face assassination threats to keep them silent - Video Podcast
Saturday Smackdown: Erasing the ‘Girl’ from ‘American Girl’
Criminal defense attorney, Dyke Huish, sheds light on defending J6 detainees - Audio Podcast
Criminal defense attorney, Dyke Huish, sheds light on defending J6 detainees - Video Podcast
After School Satan Clubs? Stick a pitchfork in it
Elected official wants people arrested and imprisoned for 'misgendering' - Audio Podcast
Elected official wants people arrested and imprisoned for 'misgendering' - Video Podcast
How Red Wave mania left Republicans seeing red
Elon Musk promises to go ‘Thermonuclear’ on ad agencies - Audio Podcast
Elon Musk promises to go ‘Thermonuclear’ on ad agencies - Video Podcast
Stolen Rainbow: The Great Unmasking
Congress needs to investigate the criminal snooping of the FBI and HHS
FBI and HHS caught red-handed colluding with Big Tech to suppress free speech - Audio Podcast
FBI and HHS collusion with Big Tech is a violation of the 1974 Privacy Act - Video Podcast
Replacing Global Warming with Climate Change was to broaden the lie
Chase Bank demands the names of conservative donors. The likely reasons why. - Audio Podcast
Chase Bank demands the names of conservative donors. The likely reasons why. - Video Podcast
The sinister plot that no one is talking about
Lawmaker wants jail time for parents that don't affirm LGBT children - Audio Podcast
Lawmaker wants jail time for parents that don't affirm LGBT children - Video Podcast
Joe Biden scratches Saudi's back in hopes of buying mid-term elections
Elderly woman shot for opposing pro-abortion measure - Audio podcast
Elderly woman shot for opposing pro-abortion measure - Video podcast
Sob stories are killing Christian freedoms
Merrick Garland: The Drive Toward a One-Party America
News commentator, Brian Mudd, talks about Stephen Colbert calling Jesus a 'cuck'
CAN demands a meeting with CBS after Stephen Colbert calls Jesus a 'cuck'
CBS’s Stephen Colbert calls Jesus a “cuck,” a sex voyeur. Will there be Christian outrage?
Metal parts found in blood of 94% of mRNA jab recipients - Audio
Metal parts found in blood of 94% of mRNA jab recipients - Video
Neighbor vs neighbor and brother vs brother. Let’s follow the bread crumbs.
Fed sex survey? Congress inches closer
The mega lawsuit that threatens to decapitate Joe Biden's iron grip on Big Tech content
Group pushes to have hate crime laws used against religious freedom bullies - Audio
Group pushes to have hate crime laws used against religious freedom bullies - Full Video
Americans should know that the ultimate goal of Biden and the DOJ is to start a Civil War
Purging Christians from the Realtors industry could constitute a hate crime
Pastor is fined $5K and ordered to take LGBT sensitivity training classes - Video
Pastor is fined $5K and ordered to take LGBT sensitivity training classes - Audio
Activist Mom tells her harrowing story of an FBI raid at her home - Shout Out Patriots Video
Activist Mom tells the harrowing story of an FBI raid on her home - Audio
Feds to ‘promote atheism worldwide’ - Video
Feds to ‘promote atheism worldwide’ - Audio
Satan’s poisonous filling inside those gender-identity cupcakes for school kids
Finally! The 'Who, What, and Why' of Scott Smith and His Daughter's Rape
Murder charge on NY store clerk proves the ’city is turned upside down’
Virginia Delegate Tim Anderson sues Barnes & Noble for selling obscenity to minors
A double legal standard sweeps the nation: Patriot Front. Drag Queen performance. Peter Navarro
Patriotism is more than sitting at home and scrolling through social media
Trump-backed JR Majewski talks about his stunning primary victory
Biden claims children belong to teachers while in the classroom
‘Ministry of Truth’ is located inside a law enforcement agency for a reason
Liberals want to turn our God-given brains into psycho-babble mush
We have the answer to that mysterious Biden handshake
School nurse gets booted for exposing too much
Disney roars against Florida and Home Depot bashes ’Christian privilege’
ABC News huffed and puffed but couldn’t blow our house down
Trump adviser George Lombardi has a stark warning for Trump’s followers
Biden is running America like a Saturday Night Live comedy script
“If the foundations are destroyed, What should the righteous do?”
In an age of censorship, it takes faith to make a faith-based film
Making Christian films! Here’s the inside scoop from an industry expert
Christian student is suspended, accused of stealing the happiness of others
The sinister plot to have doctors to rule the world!
The Snowflake Nazis are here. And their motto is: No Coin For You!
Is America heading toward a Civil War? Here’s what we think
No atheist group is going to push this county sheriff around. He’s Walking Tall - Audio
A medical doctor tells the truth about Covid treatment and prevention methods