Fed sex survey? Congress inches closer
The U.S. Senate will now decide whether the feds can ask you some very personal sex questions

Those old enough to remember will recall the hallmark chant of the 1970s gay rights movement: “Keep Government Out of Our Bedrooms!”
That was then, when the movement thought government had no business poking into the sex lives of Americans.
Now, paradoxically, the LGBTQ movement wants the exact opposite. Activists are pushing Congress to pass a bill allowing government sleuths to knock on your front door, with survey in hand, to ask you about your bedroom preferences and activities.
The primary purpose of that government survey doesn’t have to be finding out about sexual matters. It could be about any number of general topics, such as health, population or income. The issue doesn’t matter. What does matter is that the survey must include questions about your sexual desires or “identity.”
In early July 2022, with little public fanfare, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill called the “LGBTQI+ Data Inclusion Act”, H.R. 4176. It currently sits in the U.S. Senate awaiting passage, and Joe Biden is ready to sign it into law.
If this happens, all 107 federal agencies that conduct citizen surveys will be required to ask you about your sexual preferences.
Notice the word “required.” That’s right; these sex questions will not be an option for the feds to omit. They must be included in all surveys.
Knock. Knock. What’s Happening in Your Bedroom?
Before I tear into this legislation, I’ll explain the bill’s stated purpose. It is to collect data on America’s “sexual orientation, gender identity and variations in sex characteristics.”
If you’re like me, when you first read “variations in sex characteristics,” you’re probably wondering: What the hell does such a question even mean?
The answer will not make you comfortable – unless you don’t mind being asked about your genitals and gonads. The federal government wants to know if your penis or vagina “differ from normative expectations for male or female bodies … ”
House Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), says the point of these lurid questions is to increase the “visibility” of “LGBTQ Americans.”
I wish you could hear my mock laugh. Increase “visibility” of the LGBTQ?
LGBTQ is already everywhere – T.V. commercials, fashion ads, Disney cartoons, public schools, U.S. Embassy flagpoles, television shows, Gay Pride parades; I could go on. Walk into a grocery store in June and you’re likely to see display racks full of gay-themed Oreo cookie packages.
Please, don’t insult us with the need for more LGBTQ “visibility.”
But that’s not the “visibility” the 32-year liberal lawmaker from Maryland was talking about. Instead, what Rep. Hoyer wants to see is a visible increase in the perceived size of the LGBTQ population.
Lib Lawmakers Need to Spike LGBTQ Population Statistics
Currently, the most optimistic estimate for the adult LGBTQ population in the United States is 7.1 percent.
That percentage does not include minors, toddlers, or babies who are LGBTQ (wait, you’ll understand in a moment).
Those estimates are based on a Gallup survey, hardly scientific and poor testimony for politicians hoping to use them to promote federal programs, spending increases and special rights for the LGBTQ community.
The LGBTQ “community” needs something more powerful – and credible – than those flimsy, suspect Gallup poll numbers.
Enter the White Knights of the federal government.
A federal government survey of America’s sexual activities, conducted by 107 different federal agencies, can’t be as easily dismissed.
The legislation is clear in its intent. It’s to help provide increased federal handouts to the LGBTQ community while letting the needs of heterosexual people be ignored.
“Comprehensive statistics are needed to inform public policy and Federal programs,” the legislation states, noting that LGBTQ people suffer from “disparities in areas like health outcomes, housing, and employment.”
The more the feds can overstate the overall LGTBQ population, the more they can fuel the fast and flamboyant engines of the LGBTQ movement with government benefits.
After the bill passed the House, Rep. Tim Burchett told his constituents:
“The Democrats want to know if you are gay or not on surveys.”
He added, “It’s the most unbelievable thing and I don’t know why Democrats want to push it ... the world is falling down around us.”
LGBTQ Babies?
Now, back to those gay toddlers and babies.
In an effort to increase the perceived size of the LGBTQ population, the bill will allow federal agencies to survey the sexual preference of toddlers and babies. (Even the Gallup survey didn’t do that!)
Who knows, maybe they’ll survey embryos next.
Not possible, you say?
It would in fact be possible, just as it’s possible for the feds to inquire about the sexual preference or gender identity of a toddler or baby.
It will be done through proxy answers. One household member can speak for all the other members – related or not, baby or toddler, alive or dead. Yes, even dead!
“A knowledgeable proxy (including a proxy of a deceased individual, if applicable) provides information about the subject or responds for all individuals in a household,” the bill states.
Therefore, a mother or father could declare that their minor child – including a toddler or baby (and perhaps even an embryo, eventually) – identifies as gay, lesbian, transgender, or whatever.
Surely that’s not the intent of the bill, right?
Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI) said the bill “would apply to all Americans, including babies, toddlers, and anyone else under the age of 18.”
He even offered an amendment to prevent the feds from surveying the sexual preference, gender identity, genitals, or gonads of toddlers.
“Unfortunately, my Democratic colleagues shot down my amendment, meaning they endorsed the notion that toddlers have the maturity and ability to choose their own gender or that children should be thinking about sex at such a young age,” he charged.
Deceptively adding minors, toddlers, and babies to America’s counted LGBTQ population could prove significant. It is not, however, the basket into which they are putting all their fragile eggs.
Don’t Put Your Hopes in this Basket
No. They’re hoping the language below is the basket that will give them the incredible numbers they hope to gain.
“Nothing in this Act shall be construed to require an individual to disclose their sexual orientation, gender identity, or variations in sex characteristics to an agency,” the bill states.
At first glance, that particular basket language will probably please most Americans. It is, however, a devious trap.
Opting out of answering this sex survey is exactly what the authors of this bill and the LGBTQ community want heterosexuals to do.
Most Americans would understandably refuse to tell the feds whom they prefer to have sex with – male or female – much less answer questions about their penis, vagina or gonads.
There’s an additional reason for not wanting to answer:
“They can’t guarantee your privacy,” Rep. Burchett warned.
The problems of answering – or not answering – these sex questions should deeply trouble every American who believes the government has no business cataloging their private sexual details.
Will admitting to heterosexuality be used to deny a person employment? It’s not an outrageous, conspiratorial question. Being a member of the white race is already used to deny people job opportunities and promotions.
Will refusing to answer the question automatically be interpreted by the feds as also being homophobic? Reluctance to participate in the gay agenda is constantly being defined as homophobia.
Will that then make you a target of some 87,000 new IRS agents?
What if that “proxy” household member lies or deceives the feds about someone else’s sexuality? What mountains would then have to be moved to set the record straight, given that the designation could be cemented in any number of 107 different federal agencies?
Even if these questions sound too conspiratorial to be taken seriously, that’s not the main point of the opt-out clause anyway.
Rigged Surveys that Artificially Boost the LGBTQ Population
The opt-out clause is included so the surveys can be rigged into making the homosexual community look like a more significant percentage of the American population than it really is.
It stands to reason that more heterosexuals refusing to answer, as opposed to homosexuals who participate, will move the percentage points toward the LGBTQ population.
Though it’s not certain just how the survey questions will be written, we can assume it will be something like the 2021 Gallup poll question:
“Which of the following do you consider yourself to be? Straight or heterosexual; or Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender.”
If 50 out of 100 Americans refuse to answer the question, while 40 respond that they are heterosexual, while ten identify as being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, that statistic will become:
20 percent of American respondents identify as LGBTQ.
Bingo. That’s precisely the size increase Steny Hoyer and his gay activist friends want to achieve: Tripling that LGBTQ visibility!
When you consider that LGBTQ parents can include their children, toddlers, and babies as homosexual, the percentage will be inflated even more. Through trickery.
With more percentage points, lawmakers can argue for increased federal funds, assistance programs, incentives, selective employment, job promotions, and anti-discrimination laws that will solely benefit the LGBTQ community.
The “LGBTQI+ Data Inclusion Act,” if passed by the Senate and signed into law, will be a Catch-22 for most Americans.
Either agree to answer the sex questions and risk the consequences of the feds knowing your sexual appetites (and how they’ll use that information afterward), or refuse to answer and allow the LGBTQ community to obtain newfound political clout that will certainly be used against their perceived enemies.
It’s an ill-gotten win-win for the LGBTQ.
Or, H.R. 4176 can be defeated in the U.S. Senate.