Between these migrant Headaches and 3rd base WE ARE UNITING globally against all these evils

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I'm not sure what 3rd base is, but I agree we need to unite globally.

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Abbot and Costello skit whos on first ,,,,,,,,

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Gotcha. Thanks.

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you are Welcome

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The WHO is now directly under the control of the CCP, a criminal organization whose twisted convictions and pursuit of domination allows it to commit genocide against its own people. All forms of Leftism, as history universally demonstrates, are responsible for the endangerment and destruction of every nation where its influence is accepted or where it has gained a foothold. One of the primary devices Leftists employ against their fellow citizens is moral corruption which is nothing more than a systematic denial of the constructs of genuine humanity. The success of this assault is particularly important to them because once license replaces genuine freedom and becomes established in the mind of victims as virtuous, and where the genuine virtue of "self respect" is replaced with the phony virtue of "self esteem, any corruption, even the most mindless and transparently destructive corruption, can be made to appear reasonable to a victim of any age. Institutionalization of this is particularly important to a Leftist since unknown to nearly all, no matter what their political persuasion, when these corruptions of cognition become deployed against a victimized population selectively, especially to any extent at all against children, it is handle by which they can be manipulated and corrupted without impediment to any extent at all. That corruption in turn, since the victim will often become a victim of the full blown denial of genuine human nature, will find themselves living in a predictable and intended state of constant endangerment because of the often inhuman convictions they have often unwittingly adopted. This is actually why entitled children convinced that they have been marginalized, abandoned or endangered will sometimes lash our an kill scores of their classmates and teachers. As a result, as any good Leftist knows, A morally compromised individual is not only easily manipulated or coerced, they are easily dominated by rigid ideology, physically, socially, spiritually/ This accomplishes an absolute domination which in itself is always the one true goal of Leftism and every Leftist who knows the end game. It has often been stated that Leftism has demonstrated itself to be a failure everywhere it has been tried. I disagree. If the goal of a moral philosophy, as Leftism is, is consummate domination of all including equally victimized supporters and leaders, it continues to be a resounding success. This is predominantly because Leftism has employed stellar skills in employing the graciously surrendered resources of the victims of its corrupt philosophy. Even to day when we are endangered more than in any time I can remember, we continue to enable and finance with little care our most determined enemies, domestic and foreign, in own destruction. Criminals occupying our highest public offices no longer feel compelled to answer for their decades of crimes and treason. The Leftist (diabolical) assault upon most of us occurs without observation of its consistent result everywhere it has been adopted because the skills of enemy identification normally resident in children have been contravened for over half a century now by sexual and social predators like those described in this posting. Generation after generation of parents of every political and social persuasion, where these same corruptions were inflicted upon them as children continue to serve their inherently vulnerable children up to wanton or deceived predators in schools, entertainment venues, and media. What is most tragically lost on nearly all parents is the true magnitude to which the filthy inhuman behaviors being promoted to their children as being tolerable, and now even virtuous, are always either acts predation upon others or of mutual predation. This is always true of the unnatural engagements predators mindlessly promote to the youngest without regard for the status of a participant's consent, and cannot be made otherwise.

The United States recently entered an agreement with the WHO which requires no congressional approval and empowers this corrupt organization to totally contravene US supremacy over its own pandemic responses and healthcare, and through these absolute governance of anything else it chooses. This is not a looming threat. It is a done deal awaiting some "refinement" in the next few months. Do your homework and contact your congressman. This travesty is an immediate danger to our nation perpetrated autonomously by treasonous actors in our own Federal Government and must be stopped.

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The World Health Organization is controlled by the Communist party. The USSR began controlling them in1917 during the Bolshevik revolution and that control continues today. This is the communist agenda to destroy religion, family and promote all forms of obscenity. See Naked Communist.

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He Restores My Soul

“He restores my soul …”

— Psalm 23:3

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