Sep 14Liked by Martin Mawyer

Makes me want to go out and buy another Bible.

It's getting harder to argue that government hasn't outgrown its mandate.

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Sep 14Liked by Martin Mawyer

The government must of forgot about the first and eighth ammendment to our constitution. Our government is a criminal enterprise that has grown out of the American peoples ability to change anything. We are slaves who need to understand we are living under a tyrannical ruling class that doesn't care about anything; consent, natural rights, or freedom of speech or movement. You should be able to purchase a bible and firearm at the same retail store.

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As a Gideon, I purchase boxes of 100 personal testaments for distribution as I am led. We hand them out without any editorializing. The words hit their mark, in hospitals, hotel rooms & on the street. Praise God!

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Nice of them to admit that they've violated the First and fourth amendment.

When can we shut down the FBI and Treasury Departments?

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Dicks went woke some time ago and doesn't sell firearms

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Sep 14Liked by Martin Mawyer

Sometimes I wonder if I've met my assigned DHS field agent, but just don't realize it.

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Sep 13Liked by Martin Mawyer

How do you know your on the list? How are they obtaining sales records. Who could this database be used to prevent the legal assistance regarding financial abuse and fraud?

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You can send a Freedom of Information request to FICen to see if you're on the list. Regarding using names of Bible purchasers to prevent legal assistance, this is a question FICen refuses to disclose to Christian Action Network.

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Public safety message: use cash.

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And yet, so many places won't accept cash anymore. I went to a local minor league baseball game and after placing my meal order, they wouldn't accept my cash. I had to hunt down my wife for her debit card. Of course, using a debit or credit card while purchasing a Bible will still land you on the FICen list, especially if the bank also knows you recently bought a gun or used the words MAGA in a financial transaction. I was actually hesitant to publish the article because no one seems to care about this government surveillance program. Either that, or people are too afraid to respond.

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Oh yeah, it takes an effort! I might be out of the loop because I mostly buy hand-to-hand used books, and these folks do take cash, Bibles or any other books.

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Sep 17Liked by Martin Mawyer

I’m sure we are all on some list somewhere.. but discovering how MANY people are on the FBI Radar … it may take some time to get to you … please be patient

is it in alphabetical order?

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Alphabetical order? Please elaborate and I'll do my best to answer.

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The List of us so-called "offenders".

Is it categorized by -

date of offence

type of offence

last name

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The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FINcen) refuses to say because those individuals are under criminal investigation. Let me know if this answers your question. Obviously, they don't want any of this info released to the public, especially since they are in violation of the 1974 Privacy Act.

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At this point in time and history, their list(s) are for me at least, immaterial and expected.

Another predicted move for the incoming Beast System.

Luke 21:28

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Martin Mawyer

We’re being effective against evil

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7 hrs agoLiked by Martin Mawyer

What a bunch of yayhoo’s!

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If they aren’t following the law they need to be defunded.

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Sep 18Liked by Martin Mawyer

Time to buy another Bible.

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Sep 17Liked by Martin Mawyer

I often remind friends not to be content with the Bible on their phones because the government can disappear them this afternoon. I’m probably on the list of Bible owners because I own numerous translations and worse I buy Bibles to distribute to others. I’m not too concerned at this point because I’m already on their list of veterans, registered voters, gun owners and they have my DNA. I wonder if they keep a list of Koran purchasers?

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Sep 17Liked by Martin Mawyer

Well I do need another Bible . I only have 6 I need one more .

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Sep 17Liked by Martin Mawyer

Welc9me to tyranny. Or a post constitutional country

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Sep 17Liked by Martin Mawyer


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