9 And masters, do the same for your slaves. Give up your use of threats, because you know that He who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with Him. 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes.…

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What has gone almost universally unrecognized is that the inhuman travesties we observe today in legal systems around the world are the result of a decent into inhumanity that began in earnest in the 1950's more than half a century ago, long before many of us were even around to notice. Human recollection of the effects of salient events and conclusions, even the worst of them, unfortunately rarely spans generations. Within only a few years, the fate of our race, in the disowning of its own known and verified nature was sealed. Once the one most effective counterfeit virtue of our time became established by enemies of our genuine humanity almost universally in the late 1960's by social predators, the fate of nearly all future adults was sealed. It was actually long ago around the 1980's that I first realized that because of near universally accepted social corruption, given the widely accepted convictions based upon counterfeit virtues, that the preeminent of these false virtues known as "self esteem", had already dealt its death blow to Western Civilization although that death was still yet to be fully exacted upon our race. The diabolical campaign to establish self elf esteem had been as a commonly accepted virtue in families and society began in the 1960's by enemies of humanity and was employed as a replacement for the genuine virtue of self respect. When it became established everywhere, even in nearly all churches, there really seemed to me to be no road back to the embrace of our true humanity that could now be recognized, even by conservatives, since the embrace of self esteem is the very antithesis of the disposition of our genuine humanity that must be taken toward God and others in Scripture. It is, in fact, the enshrined promotion of personal selfishness. What should be noted here is that "self esteem", although it comes off the tongue as sweet as sugar, requires no behavioral or intellectual constraint while self respect will exact truly consummate and dire constraints upon any individual up to and including the surrender of life and welfare in upholding the constructs of their humanity. It should also be recognized that so called "political" points of view are merely the result of individual moral convictions and are only the result of decisions that arise from them. To the extent that moral points of view and behaviors are undertaken which are a denial of genuine human nature, as is dictated by the true nature of God, political points of view that demand those same unconstrained corruptions will be imposed upon all others. This was the inevitable result of the complacency to and accommodation of the patently false virtue promoted, and then imposed upon us by servants of Satan who loathe their our humanity nearly as much as their own.

For those who missed it, the constructs of Western Civilization were not surrendered recently as greater and greater assaults upon genuine human nature have been exacted. The punishing of personal recognition of the constructs of our genuine humanity has become established as a result that could have only been expected of the ignorant corruptions "righteous" members of our race routinely accommodated and ignored. How many of us have embraced or accommodated the false virtue of self esteem, the hook up, shack up cultures which destroy families that never were. How many of us have lived in denial of the one salient conviction of Moses which was "I will exist for attendance to God alone, for His Sake alone? What this means in essence is that it is not what we conclude are the means of our physical, social welfare, or even "spiritual welfare", that incidentally is squarely in the hands only of God anyway, which have precedence over our singular attendance to the Person, needs, and desires of the Triune God. This alone is our birthright. Right there in Scripture where God alone is the source and summit of our Creation, is the remedy to the dilemma of diabolical destruction of our race. This singular salient truth about our nature, that we exist in total deference to the existence of God because that is His nature, has been terminally accommodated by us, and especially in our churches, by the falsehood that we do not.

It occurred to me some 40 years ago by my estimate, and was soon confirmed by Dr. James Dobson, that technically speaking, the battle for our survival and that of Western Civilization was lost for good at that time, except for a truly miraculous intervention.

As a race we routinely fail to make the connection that our physical welfare is enabled only as the result of our singular and and selfless attendance to God. Our attempts at adhering to what even we have concluded are the constructs of our genuine humanity fall pitifully short of the glory of God and are not nearly enough . Our own nature and welfare arise in essence only from within the nature of our Creator. It is the true and complete knowledge of that nature available to each of us as a result of our personal participation in the Sonship of Christ which alone can save our race from this worldwide assault and set us free from the diabolical tyranny we face. To the extent we fail in determination to become bound to God for His sake, we fail in establishment of our individual communion with God. Members of our race have pitifully little capacity to even precisely recognize the perfect nature we share with our Creator, let alone adhere to its constructs.

Remember this. As horrific as the devices of torment that Satan now exacts upon our race, these are only devices as were exacted upon fathers of our church. The vile kingdom that produces them hoping to destroy us will fall like a house of cards once the sovereignty of God is reestablished in our true faithful. This bastard of his creation and ours has convinced members of our race to assist and enable in our own extinction through the adoption of self loathing. If there is virtue in love of self it can be observed only in the recognition that we are so loved by God. The decremental surrender of our race to the corruptions of the devil are all the result of our complacency, self imposed ignorance, and our decades long accommodation of greater and greater assaults against even the most transparent constructs of our genuine humanity. These accommodations include the obvious physical and social endangerment we now endure and the accommodation in our society and law of the corruption, mutilation, torture and killing of our children for convenience their self indulgent parents and the "profit" of contract killers who assist them. We are so despised by Satan because we are loved so consummately by God. If one of Satan's devices fails him, he can simply and instantaneously concoct another with which to continue to deceive us. Our forces are constrained by the Truth of which the best of us today are still pitifully unaware because genuine truth exists in and proceeds only from within the God of whom we yet so ignorant. We have yet to undertake the single salient conviction of Moses with regard to our Creator, which is "God alone, for His sake alone". One needs to look no further than the life, the convictions, and the actions of Jesus, that embodied in these same convictions and in whose selfless Sonship we must become participants rather than His emulators as we falsely suppose. If we are to survive we must endeavor to enter into the selfless and destitute life and dispositions of our Savior with respect to our Father and to us Only then we will finally surrender ourselves to the last ability we have to be compelled by God into recognition of our true humanity which is fully defined by His own.

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