We need to withdraw completely from the UN and pull all funding and get them out of the country entirely.

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Originally, the United Nations was formed to prevent war, by having heads of state or their representatives get together and talk over their differences in order to avoid war. Ironically, there have been more wars since the UN was founded than before. It's interesting to note that everything people have tried to end war, prevent crime and violence, nothing has worked, in fact, the situation gets worse. The reason for this is SIN. Our natures have been corrupted by sin that we cannot seek peace, it's always I, me, and my. We have become horribly self-centered. And this is going to continue until Jesus returns. If you are a peace-loving person, and you refuse to act or react in violence against someone or something, more power to you, but the fact is, sooner or later, people are going to take advantage of you, and then you're going to be sitting there wondering what happened. We need to get on our knees and pray like it counts, because it does. Fasting in addition to prayer will add to your prayers. The prayer of a righteous man avails much.

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Love it!

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We must not sit back while reincarnated Hitler and his team destroy America and the world. In the book of Revelation, all of this is written. This may really be the end. We “may” be headed into the tribulation. Turn your hearts to God and pray . “ Get right with God”. I always wondered how the German people survived under Hitler. They were fooled at first like Americans are fooled with the Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden teams. They are all in it together lying to the American people. Hilary wants us exterminated. She is one evil woman. Really, I kinda feel sorry for her because she has no idea the “Eternal Lake of Fire “ is real or that there really is Almighty God. She certainly has rebelled against God with all the rest of them. Get on your knees and pray God sends His war angels to protect DJT and ask God to forgive us for our selfishness. May be He will save us if enough people read : 2Chronicles 7:14. and do what it says. 🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🙏

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I’m not at all surprised. Is this not what one should expect from the home of the final Antichrist now at hand? Yes, this and much more worse to come. I know the Scriptures well enough to know we are at the end of this age with the final tribulation now at hand and all life is to be destroyed on this earth as it is reconfigured for the next age now at hand; His 1,000-year rule over ALL MANKIND, as all mankind, both the righteous and the wicked will be resurrected per Acts 24:15.

There are two resurrections as concerns this per John 5:25-29 and 1 Corinthians 15:20-28. His 1,000 year rule is His third day per 2 Peter 3:8 and Hosea 6:2 and is His day of vengeance, His fire of judgment on all the nations since the fall in the Garden of Eden, and also His day of redemption as I expect certain fallen celestial angels to pay the full price by being thrown into the lake of fire and all mankind exonerated even though some of these people will never ever see the face of God for all eternity.

I say all life is to be destroyed, which is true, as the only ones to survive this tribulation now at hand are the few mentioned in Isaiah 24:6 and are the ‘elect’ of Matthew 24 who all receive eternal life at the moment He returns after the tribulation is over.

How is it no one sees what all concerns the UN today is indeed about taking over all our wills on how we wish to live by forcing us to live the way they wish us to live as mindless non-thinking bots as this is now all they have become use to in this world today! And now they are indeed trying to turn us into bots as concerns their wish for us to live as they wish? You go to the doctor’s office these days and now they are reading from scripts on their monitors as even they are being controlled and manipulated for this very purpose as concerns enabling this Antichrist for the very dirty deeds now at hand across the whole of the globe today!

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Here we go with the global surveillance! That’s the essential end of American Freedom of speech!! If the globalists don’t like your truth because it doesn’t match their narrative, there will be consequences folks!

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Send the cowards here, I dare them to come!

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WHO IS GOING TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT AMERICANS LOSING THEIR FREEDOMS. ? They all have the power and what can be done. Hillary, Pelosi Schumer etc are laughing. They are all the new Nazi regime. Should we sit in a corner as the exterminate us like the Jews did. These people are after all people who disagree with them and they have an army. China donated 3000 soldiers to the UN army and we all just watch . They will probably mandate a killer shot like Australia and Japan have done to its citizens. Read the last book in the Bible, Revelation. We are in it now. It is beginning of the end. Pray, learn about God and turn to Him.

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Vote for MAGA Man!

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And send that trailer blinking with them

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Another reason why we need to kick the Nazis and their Gestapo the hell out of our country and revoke their re-entry, then blow up the un building

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The UN can kiss my hinnie

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