Who needs a luxury car in times like this? Hey, if Jaguar wants to shoot itself in the foot, it should be allowed to do so. Sooner or later, they'll find out how much it hurts.
In the matter of the brave young lady who stood her ground with Target, companies need to go back to the concept that as long as clothing, jewelry, etc., do not create a health or safety hazard, is clean and kept mended, employees should wear what they want, as long as it doesn't affect their ability to do their work. I bet when Miss Denise was wearing her Trust in Jesus label on her name tag, she probably got some positive comments.
As to the parental rights issue, we need to get Gavin Newsom and his West Coast Swamp out of office as soon as possible. This is the guy who called California voters "stupid" and insisted that our voting rights should be taken away, because according to him, we don't know how to vote. Just let him and his crew handle everything. Yeah, right. Like we're gonna do that. I love California, I wasn't born here, I was born in Massachusetts (Army brat), and from what I'm hearing, Massachusetts, once bedrock conservative, has gone the other way. It's almost worse than California. My county finally flipped to red, and of course the DemonRat leaders are boo-hooing over it. Sanctuary cities are saying they won't comply with laws against them, but we'll see about that. We have to keep working in order to turn this whole country red. The old phrase "Better Red than dead" now has a new meaning. Originally it meant it was better to be a Communist than dead--killed by Communists--but now it means better to be a conservative Republican than a liberal Democrat.
Jaguar should be ashamed
Who needs a luxury car in times like this? Hey, if Jaguar wants to shoot itself in the foot, it should be allowed to do so. Sooner or later, they'll find out how much it hurts.
In the matter of the brave young lady who stood her ground with Target, companies need to go back to the concept that as long as clothing, jewelry, etc., do not create a health or safety hazard, is clean and kept mended, employees should wear what they want, as long as it doesn't affect their ability to do their work. I bet when Miss Denise was wearing her Trust in Jesus label on her name tag, she probably got some positive comments.
As to the parental rights issue, we need to get Gavin Newsom and his West Coast Swamp out of office as soon as possible. This is the guy who called California voters "stupid" and insisted that our voting rights should be taken away, because according to him, we don't know how to vote. Just let him and his crew handle everything. Yeah, right. Like we're gonna do that. I love California, I wasn't born here, I was born in Massachusetts (Army brat), and from what I'm hearing, Massachusetts, once bedrock conservative, has gone the other way. It's almost worse than California. My county finally flipped to red, and of course the DemonRat leaders are boo-hooing over it. Sanctuary cities are saying they won't comply with laws against them, but we'll see about that. We have to keep working in order to turn this whole country red. The old phrase "Better Red than dead" now has a new meaning. Originally it meant it was better to be a Communist than dead--killed by Communists--but now it means better to be a conservative Republican than a liberal Democrat.
kookoo kookoo