Oct 19, 2023Liked by Martin Mawyer

I never heard of Dr. Money or his experiments until a year ago. All that about transgenderism is fairly new to me. There are only two sexes. Male and female.

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Whenever the terms "biological" and "sex" are employed in succession, consideration might be given to the probability that a device has been adopted which was contrived by Leftists that was designed specifically to defeat any argument made against the predation of children when employing mythical, unnatural, and scientifically and biologically unsound concepts. These two words, when joined together linguistically weaponize and enable exacting upon the vulnerable the non constructs of inhuman Leftist filth. Regrettably, child predators often do so with the unwitting conscripted assistance of those who stand in opposition to this predatory garbage. Just as the acro LGBTQ+ foists upon an ignorant public concepts of what are contrived fantasies that in reality enjoy no reality in nature, "sex" enjoys a very precise reality that because it cannot in change in real nature, its true meaning is only corrupted when a modifier like "biological is applied to it much like when "social" is applied to "justice", or "environmental" is similarly applied to "justice", etc. Justice, which stands on it own, its meaning is corrupted to the extent that modifiers are applied to it. When you place terms like these together what actually occurs is that an imaginary portal appears that exits, in this case, the world of scientific and biological reality and provides a mythical entry into an unnatural world of what are useless, illusory, and destructive concepts. This then allows for the possibility that one real sex can be changed to an opposite but imaginary sex of ones fantasy or even that there are fantasized expressions of gender other than male and female that one can legitimately adopt when they can not. Genuine expressions of sex are always at least grounded in the realities of biology so the modifier "biological" not only overlaps the actual meaning of sex or gender, which are always at least biological in nature but walks all over them by adding what is an overpowering and superfluous modifying term that was thoughtfully deployed long ago to allow for insertion of fantasies into this discussion of realities. The gender into which one is born is the only scientifically and socially tenable possibility of only two that are available. Genetic science and frankly even infantile observation and exploration would demonstrate this reality. All genuine expressions of sex or gender that are not the product of fantasy are at a minimum always inherently biological expressions as well. They cannot be changed because any actual change is simply out of the control and capability of those attempting to exercising unnatural manipulation of what is biological reality. Pharmaceutical or physical attempts to alter anatomical features and processes change nothing concerning the actual gender of an individual. They do create a dangerous mess of mutilation and misery, the effects of which frequently cannot be undone.

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