UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS,,,,, ABSOLUTE TRUTH = https://www.brighteon.com/3c08014a-39a7-4347-bfda-3b6731e1582c AND https://clayclark.substack.com/p/tucker-carlson-tucker-carlson-explains?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email = UNITE WITH LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS, WE THE PEOPLE, FOR OUR GOD GIVEN AMERICAN JUSTICE,,,, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

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Since my childhood, I have always lived in the expectancy that there would come a time in my life where we would be required to make the choice of Moses, That choice is one where, without self interest, even spiritual self interest, we would be required to choose whether or not to love, honor, and adore God, not just above all, but alone, simply because He alone is the (our) one true God. But there is one further qualification I observed would be required of us in the present day which for anyone giving an honest reading of the life of Jesus in scripture really cannot ignore. And that stipulation would be "without demand, or even hope of benefit to ourselves for His sake alone". In other words, if we are to enter fully into the destiny of Sainthood God has prepared for us, consummate surrender of all self interest, for the sake of God alone is required of us. Scripture is not ambiguous at all about this. You see, as the creation of God it has always been insufficient for us to simply become emulators of the unfathomable God, even if that pursuit was ever within our capacities.. Our behavior has never been in question, all have sinned. Instead what has always been in question is whether or not as Christians we will again take up that which is our birthright and become participants restored to the life of God which was fully restored by the death, resurrection, and acclamation of our race by Jesus to our Father. By means of our participation in that life and therefore our participation in the exclusive Sonship of Jesus, the possibility of our participation in the life of God enjoyed by our first parents has been restored to us. This is no whimsical metaphor. It is the embrace of that which is required of us in the present day here on earth as in no other.

I have observed from my earliest days the confusion that exists in mankind between what is

true knowledge of the unfathomable God, and requires of us the absolute vulnerability to God demonstrated incessantly in the life of Moses, and the understanding of a god which by definition cannot actually be God and which in essence requires no vulnerability to Him at all. It is no accident that Moses was scrupulously attendant and therefore enabled in obedience, not to what Israel and even He believed God is like, but to Who God actually is, God alone. We are required by God today, in a time like no other, to embrace the consummate vulnerability to God required of the Son of God and Moses before Him because our Father is God just as He is theirs. In undertaking this embrace of God we undertake our promised participation the life of Heaven here in earth which is attendant only to God and because of that enabled in obedience to Him. In essence in undertaking this disposition toward God without qualification we choose to enter into what is functionally the participation here on earth in our destiny of sainthood since just as in Heaven we become consummately attendant and obedient to God which is the singular occupation of all who reside in Heaven. The need for the selfless nature and perfection of this participation in the life of God has not been fully revealed to us in human history in the manner in which it is today that I am aware for one reason. Never before has there been an assault so consummately so inhuman in nature upon the faithful allowed by God as utterly diabolical that it threatens knowledge in our race of our genuine humanity with a lethality greater than even acts of abortion or the lesser forms of murder. Satan loathes our race and desires our complete destruction for one reason alone which is that we are without any qualification of depth or breadth, loved by God more even than the Triune God loves the members within Himself. With our race now having been robbed of knowledge of the single most salient construct of our genuine humanity, except for our entry into a communion with God of an absolute personal vulnerability to Him rather then mere emulation, our race will endure its destruction with certainty. Of course Scripture indicated this will not occur but any observation undertaken with knowledge what disposition is required of us that will forestall our destruction reveals that God alone will execute His judgement and accomplish the defeat of Satan when that occurs.

What few if any Christians of today realize is that human nature not only arises from that of God but arises from within Him. We are each in essence, in a very literal sense, sons and daughters of God not only by birthright but in composition. What convictions or actions within the nature of God could never tolerated in Him will surely kill us for this reason alone. We are not created from nothing but from the very "substance" of God. The possibility of knowledge of our true created state with respect to God was restored by Jesus in His acts of our Salvation.. Restoration of the personal intimacy with God demonstrated by multitudes of Biblical characters who were participants in their own Sainthood is ours for our decision to embrace Him and His needs and desires to the exclusion of all others. Scripture demonstrates profusely the vulnerability of members of our race to diabolical possession. Why is it that we never seem to ask, "then why not by God"? This does not at all mean that we may not rightly petition God in good faith. It means that we will become exclusively determined to want only as God wants when He personally reveals Himself and desires to us.

Wherever God exists, which is everywhere of course,, by His nature He is incessantly engaged in the act of "creating". It is our ability to have become participants in the creation of other human beings that is most essentially and intimately like our Creator about us. It is no wonder at all that the consummately lethal threat we observe today imposed upon our race and especially our children has been exacted by the one who loathes human nature because hates God, and God in us more than anything. He hides from us the fact that what twisted "recreational" misuse of procreative faculties along with other anatomical features are, because they are an absolute contravention of the true nature of God and therefore ours, that without exception they are a participation in his plan for the certain death of our race. There is one way, and one way only out of our dilemma of today and we have come to this place in our history for a reason. What is now required of us is our entry into the utterly selfless disposition of Jesus. in which Moses became a participant as a precursor. What will it be for us? Wil we embrace the wholly inadequate and therefore false choices of cultivating "a personal relationship with Jesus" or of "placing God first in our lives"? Or will we undertake the demonstrated life of our Savior with respect to His Father and ours which is the unqualified, selfless, and incessantly attendant embrace of the Triune God for His sake alone without

concern, even for our so called spiritual welfare which is exclusively in the hands of God anyway. How few of us understand how consummately selfish and frankly scrupulous so called spiritual pursuits can become. It is the abandonment of our self interest to the interest of God that will save us from any threat and accomplish in us our true destiny. As long as we continue to expect intermediaries alone to provide true knowledge of God rather than personal intimacy with Him, we will continue to flounder in our ability to defend against the diabolical influences of today, believing that somehow we are empowered to defend against what Scripture identifies as powers and principalities. There is nothing in Scripture I am aware of that states that in the "last days" we will overcome these entities or their works. It is not abilities we may develop to defend against these onslaughts that will save us from them. It is our recognition of our destitute inability to defend against them which exposes our absolute need for vulnerability to God. It is God Himself, with the assistance of His Heavenly Host who defeats these vile influences and ultimately restores our knowledge of what has actually always been, the incessant sovereignty of God. It is high time for us to take up the selflessness vulnerability of Jesus with respect to His Father and ours, and His vulnerability with respect to us, and begin to embrace our true Sainthood which is not a choice of having God first in our lives but of insisting without fail upon God alone for His sake alone, no matter what price may be exacted upon us for that decision.

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