The assault that occurred here with Riley Gaines is eerily similar in many ways to what occurred in the account in Scripture where guests in the house of Lot were assailed by a mob of self-sated sexual perverts. You have to wonder if the outcome will be the same for these unfortunate deceived and diseased characters who were obviously victims of serial sexual predation themselves. Deviant sexual activity is always either predatory or mutually predatory and cannot be made otherwise even if participants enjoy the corruption in the context of genuine friendship, which is all that is possible for such a twisted relationship. It is never an act of love,. even when the vile activity is enshrined in a phony sacramental ceremony, to engage another in inhuman activity guaranteed always to endanger and often, sicken or kill them.

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Hello from the UK

Many thanks for drawing this to our attention. Satan himself (I use the term himself advisedly) is LGBTQi+ etc. Evil as it all is, I took the opportunity to ridicule the ridiculous, and you might appreciate my link.


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Very funny. Thanks for sending.

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Have you discussed the shroud of Turin? https://acts15church.substack.com/p/the-evidence

I have a question for everyone.

What's hard to believe in the Christian Bible? Please comment at https://acts15church.substack.com/p/hard-to-believe

Thank you. G'Day

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What is lacking in your list of topics referred to there is Human expectation of the insatiable need of God for a unique communion of intimacy with each individual. Most Christians not only lack the expectation of this capacity endowed to every one of us but flee in personal terror from the possibility or even the suggestion of such a consummate and sustained vulnerability to God. They do so even though Jesus Himself was fthe most the most vocal and eminent practitioner of this capacity. If mere emulation of Jesus was sufficient for our entry into Heaven rather then our participation in His Sonship with respect to God the Father, this would be fine, but it is not. To the awe and terror of a great many Christians, God is not distant at all, but is an immediate participant who occupies and inhabits every cell and molecule of His creation including ourselves. Demon possession? Why not possession by God within those in whom He has found a suitable home where He alone is enshrined. Can we really believe that we could be inhabited by the Unfathomable God without consequence? Instead of allowing His embrace of us in intimate communion, most of our faithful flee to the protection from that intimacy with God into the security of Scriptural evaluation and our Churches founded upon it when it is not our Churches that perfectly define Scripture but the convictions of God Himself. Are we to believe that God, who says He is everywhere cannot speak for Himself in the hearts of Men? I think not.

It is becoming quite commonplace that our churches of today have no expectation either of personal intimacy with God, which is the one state from which genuine knowledge of God, of Scripture,. and of ourselves arise. This is the result of their pitifully low expectations of our Unfathomable God who is so often regarded as a superior man who must "logically" follow our version of the rules, rather than those that originate from within Himself constrained only by the source of all truth which is His own nature. God is the true origin and source of what must constrain us, but what also imparts life to us if we allow. His constraints provide genuine human freedom since human nature arises uniquely and solely from that of our Creator. If the god we choose to worship can allow us to live in denial of our own genuine nature, uniquely derived from His own without consequence as a result, he is really no God at all.

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Thanks, Terry.

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and to you.

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