During last Thursday night’s episode of The Late Show, Stephen Colbert used a word to describe Jesus Christ that should have had CBS executives running for cover.
I agree. The one thing about the LGBTQ movement is they never let even the most minimal slight against their lifestyle go unanswered.
Colbert's accusation that Jesus is a "cuck" goes way beyond a minimal slight. It is horrendous. It is our duty, as Christians, to protect and defend Christ's image.
"[C]asting down imaginations, and every hight thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God." 2 Cor. 10:5
This article has generated the most views and reader interaction of anything I've posted on Substack. But I'm still surprised that after a week out from Colbert's blasphemous depiction of Jesus Christ, no other Christian group has publicly protested this slur against our Lord and Savior.
(At least none I can find)
I'm working on a YouTube clip to bring more attention to it, in hopes that CBS will hear outrage from Christians. But YouTube (being YouTube) will probably suppress it.
When I posted this article to our Christian Action Network Facebook page, FB only distributed it to 122 people among our 28k fans.
I pray that CBS will hear from Christians, but it's an uphill battle to get the word out, for sure.
Thank you Seabass for taking the time to contact George Cheeks!
As president of Christian Action Network, I'll be sending a strongly worded letter to George Cheeks, CEO & President, CBS Entertainment Group, demanding an apology for that network's The Late Show depiction of Jesus as a "cuck." The letter is being drafted by our board and may include demands that Stephen Colbert be either fired or suspended from the program.
George Cheeks: HQ Phone. (212) 975-4321 ; Company. CBS ; Location. 51 W 52nd 35th Fl. St, New York City, New York, 10019
Thank you for the contact information I will also be contacting George Cheeks. I am tired of this persecution of Christians. This is hate speech in my mind. When you single out one group of people publicly to mock and scorn it is the very definition of hate hate speech.
Shame on you Colbert! You better repent while you still can. How dare you call Jesus the filthy name you did. I sure don't hear you saying anything of the sort about Mohamad. You'd lose your head if you did.
Shame on CBS for allowing this vile person on the air spewing his filth. Get rid of him now!
This is totally unacceptable! Colbert needs to be fired! The least action should be saying a public apology for his blasphemy! Would it be sincere? I doubt it. All Christians should be outraged and voice their opinion!
CBS, you need to fire this man. He has said hateful things before and this one makes no sense at all. Jesus was a virgin, came to redeem the world with the sacrifice of himself to do it. According to the Old Testament, blood was the only sacrifice for sins. He had to be an unblemished, he would not have been if he was a cuck (what a really stupid thing to say, Colbert). Fire Colbert, he's not even funny.
I haven’t seen this story ANYWHERE else. Thank you for reporting! Shared. The celebration of pure EVIL in this world is escalating. Think he would have said this about any other religion? He does Satan’s work for him in his ignorance and contempt. Sad, but par for the course with the spiritually dead.
I would gladly write a letter to express my outrage toward Stephen Colbert's blasphemous name-calling, but Stephen Colbert is the executive producer of his show, along with three other persons. He thinks he is funny when he called Jesus a "cuck" because it is such an outrage and would elicit a mocking laff from his far leftist audience, but it wasn't trying to be a comic that he said what he did. He was outraged that his Democrat friends who make up 80% of the residents on Martha's Vineyard had Venezuelan "diversity" undesireables transported to THEIR vacation paradise. Somehow, he thought they should enjoy privilege while everyone else suffers the mess Joe Biden created and Democratic politicians supported--so long as THEY don't have to deal with the poor unwashed in their neighborhoods and estates. I did some research to try and find to whom I could protest about Coulter's statements, but don't know which executive to appeal to. I believe in acting on my beliefs, but do you have an address or email or name to help?
Multitudes of LGBTQI2A.... so called churches insult Christ every day hanging flags of Sodom by their once holy crosses. Excessive tolerance has mortified godly response of Christians everywhere.
The comments made by Mr. Colbert are ignorant and disgusting. But Mr. Colbert does not stand alone in his statement. Everything he says is a true reflection of the standards set at/by CBS and those of the owners/leadership at Paramount.
This is a very serious situation and there is an accountability that takes place after death that one must be aware of. Jesus Christ paid a price for each of us that we can never repay but he offers eternal life with Him for all who receives that gift. May Mr. Stephen Colbert realize that Jesus has paid the price for him as well.
I agree. The one thing about the LGBTQ movement is they never let even the most minimal slight against their lifestyle go unanswered.
Colbert's accusation that Jesus is a "cuck" goes way beyond a minimal slight. It is horrendous. It is our duty, as Christians, to protect and defend Christ's image.
"[C]asting down imaginations, and every hight thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God." 2 Cor. 10:5
This article has generated the most views and reader interaction of anything I've posted on Substack. But I'm still surprised that after a week out from Colbert's blasphemous depiction of Jesus Christ, no other Christian group has publicly protested this slur against our Lord and Savior.
(At least none I can find)
I'm working on a YouTube clip to bring more attention to it, in hopes that CBS will hear outrage from Christians. But YouTube (being YouTube) will probably suppress it.
When I posted this article to our Christian Action Network Facebook page, FB only distributed it to 122 people among our 28k fans.
I pray that CBS will hear from Christians, but it's an uphill battle to get the word out, for sure.
Thank you Seabass for taking the time to contact George Cheeks!
So go with Rumble if Utube won’t carry it. I am so tired of Big Tech suppression of TRUTH.
As president of Christian Action Network, I'll be sending a strongly worded letter to George Cheeks, CEO & President, CBS Entertainment Group, demanding an apology for that network's The Late Show depiction of Jesus as a "cuck." The letter is being drafted by our board and may include demands that Stephen Colbert be either fired or suspended from the program.
George Cheeks: HQ Phone. (212) 975-4321 ; Company. CBS ; Location. 51 W 52nd 35th Fl. St, New York City, New York, 10019
Thank you for the contact information I will also be contacting George Cheeks. I am tired of this persecution of Christians. This is hate speech in my mind. When you single out one group of people publicly to mock and scorn it is the very definition of hate hate speech.
Thanks for your response!
May God Almighty have mercy on the mockers of God because God will not be Mocked.
He crossed the line. Fire him.
Shame on you Colbert! You better repent while you still can. How dare you call Jesus the filthy name you did. I sure don't hear you saying anything of the sort about Mohamad. You'd lose your head if you did.
Shame on CBS for allowing this vile person on the air spewing his filth. Get rid of him now!
This is totally unacceptable! Colbert needs to be fired! The least action should be saying a public apology for his blasphemy! Would it be sincere? I doubt it. All Christians should be outraged and voice their opinion!
CBS, you need to fire this man. He has said hateful things before and this one makes no sense at all. Jesus was a virgin, came to redeem the world with the sacrifice of himself to do it. According to the Old Testament, blood was the only sacrifice for sins. He had to be an unblemished, he would not have been if he was a cuck (what a really stupid thing to say, Colbert). Fire Colbert, he's not even funny.
I haven’t seen this story ANYWHERE else. Thank you for reporting! Shared. The celebration of pure EVIL in this world is escalating. Think he would have said this about any other religion? He does Satan’s work for him in his ignorance and contempt. Sad, but par for the course with the spiritually dead.
I would gladly write a letter to express my outrage toward Stephen Colbert's blasphemous name-calling, but Stephen Colbert is the executive producer of his show, along with three other persons. He thinks he is funny when he called Jesus a "cuck" because it is such an outrage and would elicit a mocking laff from his far leftist audience, but it wasn't trying to be a comic that he said what he did. He was outraged that his Democrat friends who make up 80% of the residents on Martha's Vineyard had Venezuelan "diversity" undesireables transported to THEIR vacation paradise. Somehow, he thought they should enjoy privilege while everyone else suffers the mess Joe Biden created and Democratic politicians supported--so long as THEY don't have to deal with the poor unwashed in their neighborhoods and estates. I did some research to try and find to whom I could protest about Coulter's statements, but don't know which executive to appeal to. I believe in acting on my beliefs, but do you have an address or email or name to help?
Multitudes of LGBTQI2A.... so called churches insult Christ every day hanging flags of Sodom by their once holy crosses. Excessive tolerance has mortified godly response of Christians everywhere.
The comments made by Mr. Colbert are ignorant and disgusting. But Mr. Colbert does not stand alone in his statement. Everything he says is a true reflection of the standards set at/by CBS and those of the owners/leadership at Paramount.
This is a very serious situation and there is an accountability that takes place after death that one must be aware of. Jesus Christ paid a price for each of us that we can never repay but he offers eternal life with Him for all who receives that gift. May Mr. Stephen Colbert realize that Jesus has paid the price for him as well.
Jesus would have loved them and healed them so they could work and no longer be homeless.
Yes, I'll be putting the video on as many forums as possible!