Have you tried using a credit union? As a member, you're the boss. They also give better rates on loans and savings than banks. And there are Christian credit unions, so you should try them.

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Well the CEO has made the wrong decision.We serve a big God and this was told to us.God will open up another avenue

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I used to cancel and close accounts of firms that persecute and retaliate against Christian organizations for their righteous convictions. Now I have decided to open as many of their accounts as possible and use them judiciously once or twice a year for a tiny purchase just to keep them open, or for when they dangle one of those large cash promotions that costs them a ton more than they can hope to realize on a nearly unused account while sending any real business to firms aware that what actual Christian churches hold in contempt is worthy only of contempt.

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The institutions canceling Christian Action Network are preventing supporters from donating to us. So, it's a bit different. But thanks so much for your comments.

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UNITE Follow the True God

“Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, ‘Choose one bull for yourselves and prepare it first, for there are many of you, and call on the name of your god, but do not light a fire underneath.’”

— 1 Kings 18:25

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I use online bill pay at my credit union. Works great.

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