Finally, someone is saying what needs to be said. We can live in an environment, whether it is in our families, our communities, or our nation, that actually serves us and our needs when we live attendant exclusively to the Person, needs and desires of God, while doing so for His sake and not our own. Owing to the fact that we are created from God, we share His nature and outside of the practice of that nature we wither and die in the unnatural and inhuman filth we are consigned to create around us. This is not religion, but constraint imposed directly upon us by our own true nature derived from God. Our teachers have long glossed over or ignored the most salient attribute of Jesus existence demonstrated consistently by His actions while here on earth. With respect to our Father and with respect to us, Jesus embodied a consummate personal selflessness that extends not just to the abandonment of His personal welfare and life but even of what I call his His "Godship". He took upon Himself these "extreme" dispositions in complete abandonment of His own interests for the sake of our Father and for ours. Few of us hope that such an abandonment of self and self interest could be ever required of us and yet unless we become participants in that same consummate abandon of self and self interest we can become neither participants in the life of His Sonship ,which alone enables sanctity in life here on earth, or attain entry into Heaven since no one not fully attendant to and upon God can hope to become enabled to exist there.. Our fathers lived in health, hope and security because until half century ago when we and our children largely abandoned attendance to the Person, needs, and desires of God for attendance to our own. Life became instead, all about us. The price of that dereliction exacted upon us, our children, and our nation has now become truly unimaginable as we now embrace the most inhuman of filth imaginable for ourselves and even believe the inhuman actions and vile convictions from which they arise can somehow be grounded in virtue. Until we return as individuals, as families, and as a nation to attendance to our God for His sake alone, enshrining the life of God instead of the self centered inhuman filth to which we have now disposed ourselves and children of late, we can hardly expect a different result than the foul stench in which we have allowed ourselves to become immersed.

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you made great observation on the current abyss in which the entire nation is being dragged. American constitution is one of the greatest constitutions barring a few aberrations. It is one small booklet which is on my desk for ready reference. However, I disagree with one point you made: "The American system was founded upon the assumption that citizens would maintain a belief in a biblical God." There is no basis for this assumption. It contradicts the first amendment- freedom of religion. This assumption has caused bias, prejudice, boxing of people (such as we vs. others) social disharmony and brutal near extinction of Native Americans. Evidence given in the written document does not admit assumptions. Faith and family provide stable society. Protection of borders and preventing lawlessness are ONLY two fundamental duties of a government. All else like demographic engineering in the name of democracy or endless welfare scheme is abuse of power.

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