Smackdown Saturday: Dad loses his fight to save his son from chemical castration
Martin Mawyer takes top news stories weekly and gives them a painful Saturday smackdown. So here are the Smackdown lashings for the week of 1.7.23.
Dad loses his fight to save his son from chemical castration
Number of children chemically castrated has doubled since 2017
Bad news for the Hallmark Channel
God said what? Come on!
Psychologist ordered to undergo re-education
Virginia governor plays wack-a-mole with renegade schools
Dad loses his fight to save his son from chemical castration
Imagine having the following conversation with your seven-year-old son:
“You’re a boy, right?” the dad asks.
“No, I’m a girl,” the little boy, wearing a dress, responds.
“Who told you you’re a girl?”
“Mommy. She buys me headbands. She gets me hair clips. She paints my nails.”
“Do you think you’re a girl?” asks the alarmed dad.
“Yes,” the little boy answers.
That’s the exact conversation Jeffrey Younger had with his young boy, captured on video before he lost a Supreme Court case in Texas, which allowed his ex-wife to move to California to chemically castrate their young boy. The abused little boy now goes by the name of Luna.
Younger has finally reached the end of the line in his fight to prevent his ex-wife from taking his two boys to California, where medical mutilation and chemical castration of children is legal. Younger has accused his ex-wife, a pediatrician, of using his two children to advertise her “inclusive,” “gender-affirming” medical practice.
A new obscene law says California is not obligated to return children to their home states where medical transitioning is prohibited.
The ex-wife has changed the boy’s name from James to Luna and uses female pronouns when referring to him. She stated in court documents that she began to think little James was a girl when he asked for a “girl’s toy” from McDonald’s and wanted to wear a dress.
That behavior from a child still young enough to believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny was enough to convince mom that he needed to be chemically castrated and transitioned.
Sadly, California has legalized what is, in reality, criminal child abuse. What a tragic outcome for Younger and even worse for little James. He is being abused and has chemical castration and medical mutilation – at the hands of his deranged mother and with the complicity of the Golden State – in his future
Number of children chemically castrated has doubled since 2017
Everything seems to be skyrocketing these days – inflation, housing costs, interest rates, and illegal migrants flowing over the border.
But this statistic is truly alarming:
The number of American children subjected to ghoulish chemical castration and genital mutilation has doubled since 2017.
And since the data comes from insurance reports, the actual number could be much, much higher.
The criminal U.S. doctors performing chemical and real castrations, genital mutilation, and other disfiguring surgeries on children should be prosecuted for child abuse.
This is happening at a time when other nations in western Europe are wisely beginning to question these surgeries. They are now reverting to the time-honored psychotherapeutic approaches for treating vulnerable young people who are purposely confused by an evil gender-twisting industry bent on destroying young lives.
Appallingly, criminal surgeons amputated the healthy breasts of 238 gender-confused teenage girls in 2019 and 282 in 2021.
Predictably, Democrat-run states saw considerably sharper spikes, with diagnoses of gender dysphoria doubling in California and quadrupling in New York.
It’s appropriate that these medical atrocities are spawning malpractice lawsuits in the U.S. as young people realize the horrors inflicted on them at the hands of abusive adults who should know better.
But there isn’t a lawsuit in the world that can compensate for the surgical removal of a young girl’s breasts or a young man’s genitals. So their futures, in addition to their body parts, have been forever destroyed.
Bad news for the Hallmark Channel
If anyone needed evidence that the majority of Americans are sick up to here with the woke agenda dished out by mainstream T.V., look no further than the Great American Family Network (GAF).
This week the network – which launched less than a year ago as a breakaway and competitor to the Hallmark Channel – announced that it ranked number one in total day ratings growth in households, up 113%, and in total viewership, up 116%, according to the Nielsen ratings. It also came first in primetime rating growth for households, up 128%.
Why is this Hallmark knock-off channel gaining so much viewership? The main reason is its wholesome faith and family programming and its departure from Hallmark’s gay-friendly programming, which has been turning away viewers for the past several years.
Candace Cameron Bure, one of the biggest stars of Hallmark, jumped ship last year and moved to GAF. She came under fire recently for daring to note that GAF would focus on “traditional marriage.” The predictable hell storm erupted and is still swirling around an unperturbed Bure, who is happily acting and producing at GAF.
During the December Christmas programming, Hallmark further turned off viewers with its first Christmas story focusing on a gay couple, called “The Holiday Sitter.” It tells the heartwarming story of Sam, who babysits his niece and nephew before the holidays, and finds unexpected romance when he recruits handsome neighbor Jason to help.
Did I say heartwarming? Sorry, I meant heartburn-inducing.
Hallmark may have made the biggest mistake of its previously saccharine life by deciding to pander to the homosexual lobby, which makes up a small minority of viewers while thumbing its nose at the millions of viewers who always flocked to Hallmark for family-friendly viewing.
We wonder, though, will Hallmark regret its gay programming decision enough to go back to its roots? It’s doubtful … but they’re probably squirming right now with the release of the latest Nielsen ratings.
God said what? Come on!
You might not have noticed this is the biblical creation story, but God created gender fluidity in the Garden of Eden.
Just kidding, Lord – please don’t smite me for uttering this heresy.
Yet that’s the conclusion reached by the first “non-binary gender-queer” Anglican priest in the U.K., the Rev. Bingo Allison of the Diocese of Liverpool.
Rev. Bingo (Bingo?) recently quoted the Bible: “God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them,” then added that this passage from Genesis clearly expresses “maleness to femaleness” instead of separate men and women.
Rev. Bingo asserts that this interpretation gives him the authority to promote the “normalization” of gender-fluid behavior in children.
“One of the biggest things is … normalizing it for children,” says Rev. Bingo. “When I’m wearing my collar, it lets children know that it’s OK and that there is a place in church and the outside world for people like me.”
People like Bingo? He’s a dude wearing a clerical collar, bizarre makeup, fake (or maybe surgically enhanced) breasts, and long stringy hair. Oh, and he’s got a receding hairline. I doubt any children want to be like Rev. Bingo.
He said his revelation about the creation of gender fluidity was “a deepening spiritual experience” that God is using to “guide me into this new truth about myself.”
In a sermon commemorating Trans Day of Visibility, Rev. Bingo likened the plight of transgender people to the suffering of Christian martyrs.
Ok, enough of this drivel. The biggest sin here is not just Rev. Bingo’s blasphemy against God. It’s the Church of England that allows a mentally disturbed man to continue in his position. The church is also considering a proposal to allow gay weddings.
God is not dead, as some have said … but the church that once worshipped Him in truth is in its death throes.
Psychologist ordered to undergo re-education
Criticism of Justin Trudeau, the dictator of Canada, may sound like a lot of fun – but not for Dr. Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist, best-selling author, and professor emeritus at the University of Toronto.
Peterson has been told he must submit to “re-education” and social reconditioning after criticizing comrade Trudeau’s Covid-19 travel ban as “‘unconstitutional and vindictive.”
Peterson has dared to speak the truth, including truth-isms like women can never become men just by surgically removing their breasts and taking testosterone – as actress Ellen Page, now calling herself Elliot Page, did in 2020.
Peterson was kicked off Twitter for refusing to use Ellen/Elliott’s new pronouns and not acknowledging that she’s a man – because, of course, she’s not.
Peterson revealed that he has been ordered to undergo six months of coaching to “refine his social media etiquette” and to help him “review, reflect on, and ameliorate (his) professionalism in public statements.”
Peterson first gained prominence in 2016 when he publicly refused to participate in proposed Canadian legislation, which has since become law, that bans “discrimination” based on gender identity or gender expression. His crime was refusing to give in to “compelled speech” that required him to use improper pronouns.
In 2019, as a consequence, Cambridge University withdrew Peterson’s fellowship. In 2020 Penguin Random House in Canada attempted to block the publication of his book, calling him an “icon of white supremacy and hate speech.”
Peterson has endured almost as much bad press and attacks from the cancel culture as Donald Trump. Still, like Trump, he continues to fight on and refuses to bow to the mob. Peterson has a lot on the line, but we hope he refuses to participate in his university’s latest charade.
American conservatives have, and will continue to, welcome him with open arms.
Virginia governor plays wack-a-mole with renegade schools
Outrages in the government schools in Virginia continue to pile up. For the governor’s office, it’s a lot like playing wack-a-mole – destroy one varmint only to fight another one that pops up.
The most recent eruption came after the Fairfax County school district was caught withholding academic awards from students to achieve “equity” instead of merit-based achievement.
Parents whose students qualified for the National Merit Awards – but who were never told until college scholarship deadlines had passed – were actually told by Brandon Kosatka, the school’s director of Student Services:
“We want to recognize students for who they are as individuals, not focus on their achievements.”
He self-righteously added that they didn’t want to “hurt” the feelings of those who didn’t score as high as the actual winners of the awards.
“I am stunned … that information about National Merit Awards … was withheld until after important deadlines for college scholarships had passed,” Gov. Glenn Youngkin said. “I believe this failure may have caused material harm to those students and their parents and that this failure may have violated the Virginia Human Rights Act.”
Being a National Merit Scholarship Commended Student means that a student is in the nation’s top three percent of high schoolers in academic achievement. It qualifies them for scholarship awards from prestigious schools – but only if they know they’ve won and can meet the application deadlines.
Because some ethnic groups, primarily Asians, have been scoring consistently higher on the tests than other groups, the district moved to an “equity” system that essentially punishes the high-scoring students and rewards the losers.
They even admit that the goal should be “equal outcomes for every student, without exception.”
Recently, the superintendent of Loudon County schools in Virginia was indicted for covering up and obfuscating the facts surrounding sexual assaults in schools involving a young male student pretending to be a female in the girls’ bathrooms.
Some rebellious Virginia schools also created an uproar when they brazenly defied Youngkin’s order to eliminate the mask mandates in schools.
The Commonwealth also reversed a policy from the previous Democrat administration that allowed students to use any bathroom they chose. Instead, the new policy requires students to use bathrooms and locker rooms based on their biological sex, which predicably caused leftists’ heads to explode.
Gov. Youngkin is staying true to his promise to stand up for parental rights. We’re sure there’s another mole for the governor to wack on the next horizon, but so far, Gov. Youngkin gets a gold star for his performance.