Majority Report
Shout Out Patriots Podcast
Is the Centers for Disease Control becoming the Centers for Mind Control? Shocking test sent to educators - Audio

Is the Centers for Disease Control becoming the Centers for Mind Control? Shocking test sent to educators - Audio

CDC launches campaign to turn educators into an "Awesome Ally" of the Rainbow Flag

In this episode of Shout Out Patriots:

0:0:22 CDC ranks educators on becoming an “Awesome Ally” of the LGBT

0:22:05 A game you don’t want to miss. Mental Rage: The Dirty Dozen.

0:45:36:13 UK woman arrested for praying in her head

0:51:43:14 Rep. Jim Jordon will head the ‘Weaponization of the Federal Government’ subcommittee

1:03:58:08 DC Comics’ Joker becomes pregnant and gives birth to a ‘handsome’ baby

1:07:52:20 Taking a Stand Segment: A shout-out to brave patriots and their stories

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Majority Report
Is the Centers for Disease Control becoming the Centers for Mind Control? Shocking test is sent to educators
Watch now (75 min) | In this episode of Shout Out Patriots: 0:0:22 CDC ranks educators on becoming an “Awesome Ally” of the LGBT 0:22:05 A game you don’t want to miss. Mental Rage: The Dirty Dozen. 0:45:36:13 UK woman arres…
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Majority Report
Shout Out Patriots Podcast
News and analysis where truth is never a conspiracy theory. A podcast by Martin Mawyer and Pastor Jason Binder.